Later that afternoon, atop a ridge, the dreamy ramps we scouted on the first day in the Aksuu came back into view. As I glanced down at the potential skiing zones, an eagle appeared with what must have been an eight-foot wingspan, as big as any I’ve ever seen. It rode a thermal upwards before banking north and soaring down the valley. We continued south, up the ridgeline, and deeper into this land of wonder. Stephan and Piers prepped to drop in on the first two lines and I continued farther.

FREESKIER magazine and DPS crew cinematic had a wonderful days at Aksuu Yurt lodge back in winter 2017. As the result a wonderful publication by Drew Petersen – “Trip Recap: Skiing dream lines in Kyrgyzstan, the Land of the Nomads”. Full article here.
The Collective is a collaboration of UK athletes and photographers looking to explore, share and inspire others to get out there. As well as documenting our own expeditions, we want to help others experience the outdoors.

For us this was without doubt the most special part of the trip. Of course the main purpose of this mini expedition was to ski some amazing lines but once your skidoo drops you 10km into the remote Aksuu valley (or you can tour if you’re a keeno), just being there is enough. The Yurt camp sits at an impressive 2650m, and is surrounded by peaks up to and over 4000m. Usually with just 10-20 people staying in the two sleeping yurts, there is literally unlimited snow and faces to ski. The relatively flat valley floor seems never ending and there are countless peaks coming off it.
Aaron Rolph and British Adventure Collective was our guests back in March 2018. They were lucky to visit both Jyrgalan Yurt Lodge and Aksuu Yurt Lodge. Read full story.
Angela is a travel blogger, a part of the nice US crew who visited us in the mid of March 2018. Join Angela on her journey to the wild slopes of the Aksuu valley.

The sauna itself is closed off at the one end and too hot for me to even enter. On the other end, the mountain river bend provides relief from the heat for a frigid ice bath of sorts if brave enough to take a dunk in the shallow waters. I could only muster my feet in with a quick splashing rinse before running back to the hot tub.
After reading Angelas article you will definitely feel like you’ve just visited our yurt site. The story has a lot of details and photos about the site amenities, crew, foods, sauna, sleeping and even toilets! Thanks Angela! Read the full story.